
This PJC extends default button functionality to show both icon and label.

Oleg Tishchenko

The Java code

Get the source code here

Forms configuration

. Copy the lablediconbutton.jar file in the /forms/java directory
. Edit the/forms/server/formsweb.cfg file to add the jar file to thearchive_jini variable


  Note : Notice that icon files used in this demo are stored in the root of the jar file

Implementation Class property


The properties you can set

On image

Set_Custom_Property( 'BLOC.BEAN_ITEM',1, 'IMAGE_NAME_ON', 'icon_name' );

Off image

Set_Custom_Property( 'BLOC.BEAN_ITEM',1, 'IMAGE_NAME_OFF', 'icon_name' );

Trun debug on/off

Set_Custom_Property( 'BLOC.BEAN_ITEM',1, 'DEBUGMESSAGES', 'true' );

Trun debug all instance of this PJC on/off

Set_Custom_Property( 'BLOC.BEAN_ITEM',1, ' DEBUGMESSAGES_ALL', 'false' );

The properties you can read

On image

Get_Custom_Property( 'BLOC.BEAN_ITEM',1, 'IMAGE_NAME_ON' );

Off image

Get_Custom_Property( 'BLOC.BEAN_ITEM',1, 'IMAGE_NAME_OFF' );

The sample dialog

     . Download the lablediconbutton.zip file
     . Unzip the file
     . Edit your /forms/server/formsweb.cfg file
     . Open the lablediconbutton.fmb module (Oracle Forms 10.1.2)
     . Compile all and run the module